Demolition Mission – Les Déchetteries De Paris

Ull lilaYou’ve got the eye of the Tiger! You’re gonna do it!! You’re going take down those old shelves, tear apart those tired kitchen cabinets, disassemble that worn out furniture or renovate that space into something more wonderful and amazing! You are Monsieur or Madame DIY. You have your tools dusted off and you are ready to go.

But before you can do anything your mission is the demolition of the old to bring in the new. What are you going to do with all the debris? Stuff it in the building garbage can and the concierge will freak out. Wait until the middle of the night and stack everything up by one of those public plastic green garbage bags? Not very glamorous.

It’s Paris. Style is everything and in this case the French language is your friend.

“Honey, I’m off to the garbage dump. Should I come back with some breakfast?”

Yeah, ok… But it just doesn’t have the ring of,

“Honey, I’m off to les déchetterie. Should I come back with a few croissants?”

Much better! If you are not a professional builder, Paris provides the public with a place you can go and get rid of heaps of debris for free.


  • Keep like materials together. There are bins for different types of rubbish.
  • Don’t borrow a vehicle from a friend that’s in the trades. They may hassle you or prevent you from dumping if they think you are a Pro. Rent a van.
  • If your a woman pretend you are damsel in distress. They guys working there will love to come to your rescue!

Below is a listing of ‘les déchetteries’ in and around Paris. Hours and more detailed maps are also listed in the links

You’re Welcome.

Bon courage.

Now get to work! 😀

Les dechetteries

Par arrondissements

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